Motherhood is one of the hardest things a woman can do. Some moms feel the lows of “baby blues” and the highs of becoming a new mom and holding that precious baby. Between the stress pregnancy and childbirth puts on your body to the chaos of hormones and emotions, as well as the anxious feelings of caring for a tiny human being, moms need some extra help sometimes.
How Can CBD Help?
For the anxious feelings, despondency and overwhelmed feeling some moms feel, they often turn to medical intervention for help, but lately CBD has been getting more attention as a potential alternative.
Studies show that CBD has the ability to help with stress and anxious feelings, which are common feelings in mothers at any stage – from new moms to moms of teenagers and beyond. New moms will also feel discomfort for a few days or weeks after giving birth. Medication is the typical solution, however studies have found that CBD can also help relieve these discomforts.
Can I Use CBD?
For those moms not currently pregnant or nursing, the question of safety is not as concerning, and the benefits could be a gamechanger. CBD can help improve the overall health of women, specifically in balancing hormones. When CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, it can help promote relief from many PMS symptoms, including mood swings, cramps, anxious feelings and fatigue. CBD can also help relieve headaches, ease muscle and joint discomfort (especially in the lower back) and other symptoms. For those moms that can’t seem to “turn their brain off” after their kids fall asleep, CBD can help getting a more restful night’s sleep. It can also assist in reducing symptoms of anxious feelings and despondency.
Due to the growing popularity of CBD, there may be concerns for pregnant women and moms that are breastfeeding taking CBD. Even though there are studies done on the benefits and effects of CBD, there may not be enough studies done on women taking CBD that are pregnant or breastfeeding. It is best to first have the conversation with a health care provider.
Luxe offers CBD-Infused massages and facials.
Luxe Hair Lounge + Day Spa
2015 J St SAC 95811